Ok. But how did you determinate that it is a pole, not a stumb or a log?
because a word "pole" is very general and always implies something vertical, not necessarily a permanent part of the ground.
"a stump"- most like would be used for a part of a tree
"a log" can be vertical or horizontal
just by looking at the picture - i can guess that... this particular wooden object...was placed later ( so its not a part of a tree that was already there) and its not really a "log" ( logs are rather a specific cut of wood and can be placed many different ways)
Ok. The word is "shack". In vocabulary it is translated like "хижина, хибарка". I looked for english word which is translated like "будка".
shack is very general term, it can be used for any small un-identified (mostly wooden) structures. there is an english word "booth", but i think... its more specific(and not always wooden!). since i don't really know the true purpose of that blue thing, i didn't speculate on its qualities or materials.